Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Effective and Practical Underground Utility Locating Tips?

Accurate utility locating, whether it is in the form of buried utilities, pipe, cameras, or cable, this technique shields against very expensive mistakes. The set of equipment currently used by the best utility locating companies ensures maximum accuracy and precision. Whether it is about mapping water pipes, sewer, or any other buried infrastructure, or if you are trying to examine if a line crosses a driveway or follows an easement, acquiring the art of locating will increase productivity and bring in more revenue. It is always advised to make a few practice runs on various lines and pipes so that you don’t overwhelm with all the features out on a project.

Take help from the locals - You need to ensure where a lateral makes a connection with the mainline to approximate a residential job. Ask yourself:

For how long will the property line connection stay?

Where does the location of the repair begin and end?

If there are any major obstacles to the trenching? 

If you do not have sufficient information on the questions mentioned above, things might not work in your favor, and you’ll just be guessing the location of the line. For locating underground sewer lines (or utilities), you should contact the local municipality to get a clear idea of the general measurements. It can be distanced from the manholes so that you can better spot the line. 

Adjust the frequency - Once you have a basic idea of how to begin with, now it is time for you to use your equipment correctly. Make sure you are using the best possible frequency to achieve an accurate utility locating spot. Most of the locators may include some already defined frequencies that can be useful to guide your efforts. Additionally, you can follow some of the basic principles mentioned in the manual provided by your locator. 

Know before you dig - When you have access to the best tools and equipment, there are high chances that you will get the best results. Additionally, getting involved in any kind of excavation without spotting the necessary underground infrastructure may cost you a major setback in terms of money.


Make a note of the information mentioned in this post, and be sure to use a top-notch underground utility locator service in your locality.

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